Full-Time - 50 hrs/wk
As the Associate Worship Pastor, you are responsible to lead an excellent, engaging worship environment for people to encounter and worship King Jesus on Sunday mornings and other worship gatherings in the community of CyLife Church They should be producing excellent-quality musicians and worship leaders in character, spiritual maturity, and craft through the lense of Jesus’s relational-discipleship model. They will be a leader of leaders and will be expected to create and lead-out culture, as well as holding others to high expectations with loving accountability. This person is called to be a servant-leader, willing to lay down personal preferences and never considering themselves too good for any task. They must have the ability to receive feedback and maintain a coachable spirit which is giving real consideration to feedback and applying change.
An abiding relationship with Jesus, deep conviction for making and sending disciples, and a passion for worship are nonnegotiables. This role requires proficiency of playing 1+ instrument and a contemporary style, dynamic singing voice. You must find joy in developing musicians, leaders, and vocalists. You will need to step in to lead the worship team when the Worship Minister is not leading or in co-leadership with her. You must have a high standard for excellence in musical product, but do not value performance/production over being obedient to the Holy Spirit and honoring your leadership. You are expected to walk-out conflict or questioning in a biblical manner by going directly to the person who has offended you (or whom you know you've offended) and stay curious, always giving generous assumptions. You will need to assist the Worship Minister in auditioning new potential musicians/vocalists and following through to get them plugged into the team well and getting them into the schedule. You are responsible to work within the established budget to help our people and services get better in all ways. You must build teams of coaches and leaders who are also raising up and developing other leaders. You must pursue growth in areas of ministry and pastoral care opportunities and love, live, and lead like Jesus. Lastly, CyLife church has a very high-capacity, fast-moving, fast-changing work environment. This makes this role suitable for those that are driven, hard-working, flexible, and energized by a fast-paced work environment, not crippled by it.
You will work directly for the Worship Minister and alongside the Music Developer to accomplish all worship related events. You agree to act in accordance with scripture and the beliefs of CyLife church. You understand that ministry is a calling and you must love people and Jesus deeply and be flexible to the unexpected changes and different personalities. High accountability, honesty, and ownership. Must have proficient communication skills through email, text, phone calls, and face-to-face meetings. Needs to be able to work in planning seasons, getting ahead of projects many weeks in advance.
There will be many additional tasks not listed below, but these are some that will be baseline expectation:
- Fill in as needed for Worship Minister in leading Sunday morning worship and running the Sunday morning worship services in all aspects when WM is out as well as leading regularly on Sunday mornings with the band either as instrumentalist, vocalist, leader, as assigned by WM (a regular known and trusted presence from the Associate Worship Pastor in leading the congregation is the desire)
- Assist WM in scheduling, corresponding with, recruiting, vetting, developing, and shepherding volunteer musicians
- Assist WM in planning and leading staff worship and prayer
- Assist WM in planning, organizing, and implementing special worship elements (praise choirs, children’s music, special instrumentalists, etc.)
- Develop leaders and coaches of others becoming a leader of other leaders
- Assist WM in developing/planning Sunday morning worship services
- Assist WM in creating a culture of creativity within the worship team, bringing new music to the table, as well as writing worship music for the church
- Participate in weekly staff meetings, being part of the staff culture/innerworkings and offering input when needed
- Assist WM in communications and logistics for other teams and ministry areas he gives oversight to
- Update church spotify playlist(s)
- Recruiting, auditioning, and on-boarding musicians
- Lead breakouts, coaching groups.
- Create resources for YouTube page to help develop worship leaders
- Manage a budget, credit card, and report spending with receipt records
- Pursue continued education and development of skills and character through reading, classes, counselors, teachers, etc.
This role reports directly to the Worship Minister, Brianna Orozco. The role is a part of the Sunday Experience Team. It is a full-time position at 50 hrs/wk. Benefits are offered to the employee based on their acceptance. This role does not have any direct-reports on staff, but holds leadership and positional authority over many volunteers and volunteer coaches. Your work hours will be flexible and customizable as you can fit them, but Sunday’s are expected unless previously requested time-off. As a staff-musician, the expectation is that you will be playing an instrument for many required events, even on weekend days from time to time. Time-off requests will consider these events. Travel the three weeks before Christmas and three weeks before Easter will not be permitted.