Roderick Hammonds

Missions Director

My family

My wife Seamone and I have a blended family consisting of three adult children and one granddaughter. 

My story

While growing up in the mid-west I proclaimed my faith in Jesus Christ at the age of 13. I was raised a follower of Jesus Christ and a frequent churchgoer. I grew up with an absent father, but a loving mother and grandmothers who kept me grounded and committed to my growing faith. I drifted away from regular church fellowship during my early years in college but always loved my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He transformed my heart through the loving care of some close friends, and I redirected my focus back on Jesus to study and earn a bachelor’s degree in Christian Leadership with an emphasis in Church Administration. Over 23 years I worked as a business owner consulting churches and businesses with leading technologies while serving in church leadership. I am experienced in applying technology disciplines that support organizational growth. I found The MET Church – Cypress branch and decided to make it my church home in early 2016. In 2019 I was called into leadership at CyLife Church. I have served our church as a Men’s Small Group facilitator, Executive Pastor, and currently the Missions and Recovery Pastor. I am truly dedicated to living out the purpose God designed of me. I am a passionate laborer in God’s Church dedicated to leading all people groups and nations to worship Him.


1 Timothy 4:8-10


Sushi, Seafood, Caribbean 


Reading, hiking, camping


Road cycling, Functional Training, running

