Come Home!

Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan exploring the profound concept of intimacy with God.

DAY 01

God's Relentless Pursuit Reading:

Genesis 12:1-3, Luke 15:1-7

God's love for us is not passive or conditional—it's active and relentless.

Just as He called Abram out of obscurity to become the father of many nations, God is calling you today. Like the shepherd who leaves the 99 to find the one lost sheep, our Heavenly Father pursues us with unwavering determination.

Reflect on times when you've felt distant from God.........

How has He pursued you?

Consider ways you might be running from His love, and pray for the courage to stop and turn towards His open arms.

"God desires an intimate relationship with us, characterized by being fully known and fully accepted."

DAY 02

Covenantal Love Reading: 

Genesis 15:1-21, Hebrews 8:6-13

The story of God's covenant with Abram reveals a profound truth—God's promises are not dependent on our perfection.

While human covenants are often conditional, God took sole responsibility for fulfilling His promises to Abram.

This foreshadows the new covenant in Christ, where our salvation is secured not by our own efforts, but by Jesus' sacrifice.

Today, rest in the assurance of God's unconditional love.

How does knowing that God's promises to you are secure change how you approach your relationship with Him?

"God's covenant with Abraham demonstrates His unconditional love and commitment to humanity."

DAY 03

The Gift of Grace Reading: 

Ephesians 2:1-10, Romans 5:1-11

The sermon emphasized that we can do nothing to earn God's favor—it is freely given.

This is the essence of grace. Like Abram, who was chosen and blessed while still childless and old, we are loved and saved not because of our merits, but because of God's character.

Reflect on areas in your life where you might be trying to earn God's love.

How can you surrender these efforts and simply receive His grace?

Thank God for His unmerited favor in your life.

"God desires an intimate relationship with us, characterized by being fully known and fully accepted."

DAY 04

Coming Home to God Reading:

Luke 15:11-32, Revelation 3:20

The image of Jesus knocking at the door of our hearts invites us to a intimate relationship with God.

Like the prodigal son, we may have wandered far from home, but the Father eagerly awaits our return. What "noise" in your life might be drowning out God's gentle knocking?

What fears or doubts keep you from fully opening the door to Him?

Take time today to quiet your heart and invite Jesus in, remembering that He desires to dine with you—to have close, personal communion.

"Come home, there's still time!"

DAY 05

Living in Covenant Relationship Reading:

John 15:1-17, 1 John 4:7-21

God's covenant love calls us into a deep, abiding relationship with Him.

Jesus used the metaphor of a vine and branches to illustrate this intimate connection.

When we abide in Him, we bear fruit naturally—love, joy, peace, and all the evidence of a life transformed by grace.

Today, consider what it means to "abide" in Christ. How can you cultivate a more consistent awareness of God's presence in your daily life?

Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you live out your covenant relationship with God in tangible ways,

loving others as He has loved you.

Closing Prayer: Thank God for His relentless pursuit of us and His desire for intimacy. Ask for His help in overcoming any barriers that prevent us from fully embracing His love and grace.

Response song