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Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan exploring the profound concept of intimacy with God.

DAY 01

Intimate Relationship with God Reading:

Revelation 3:20-22

Jesus stands at the door of our hearts, knocking and waiting for us to invite Him in.

This image beautifully illustrates God's desire for intimate relationship with us. He doesn't force His way in, but patiently waits for our invitation. Today, reflect on areas of your life where you may be keeping Jesus outside.

What fears or doubts are preventing you from fully opening the door?

Remember, intimacy with God is characterized by being fully known and fully accepted without fear of rejection.

Take a moment to invite Jesus into those areas you've been hesitant about, trusting in His unconditional love and acceptance.

"Intimacy cannot be forced. You know this is true in your marriage. And it's also true in every other relationship."

DAY 02

The Freedom to Choose Reading:

Joshua 24:14-15

God values authentic relationships so much that He gives us the freedom to choose whether to follow Him or not.

This gift of free will comes with great responsibility. Just as Adam and Eve's choice had far-reaching consequences, our choices today impact not only our lives but those around us. Consider the areas where you're exercising your freedom to choose.

Are your choices drawing you closer to God or pushing you away?

Pray for wisdom to use your freedom in ways that honor God and deepen your relationship with Him.

"For us to have real authentic intimacy or real authentic relationship with God, God chose to give you and I this awful yet wonderful gift of freedom. The freedom to choose God."

DAY 03

Trusting God's Goodness Reading

Psalm 34:8-10 

The serpent's lie to Eve suggested that God was withholding good things from her.

This same lie often creeps into our thinking today, making us doubt God's goodness and provision. Yet, as we see in today's passage, those who trust in the Lord lack no good thing.

Reflect on times when you've doubted God's goodness.

How has He proven faithful despite your doubts?

Challenge yourself to identify one area where you're struggling to trust God fully.

Commit to believing in His goodness and surrendering that area to Him today.

"The lie that broke intimacy with God is this. If you follow or obey God, you are going to miss out on all the good, fun things of life."

DAY 04

Overcoming Shame and Fear Reading:

1 John 4:16-18

Adam and Eve's disobedience introduced shame and fear into the human experience.

Yet, God's perfect love casts out fear. In Christ, we no longer need to hide from God or each other.

His love provides the security and acceptance we crave. Today, bring your areas of shame and fear before God.

Allow His perfect love to wash over you, reminding you of your worth and acceptance in Christ.

How might embracing God's love change the way you view yourself and interact with others?

"God was holding out. Again, not only was he holding out on shame, but he was also holding back fear. He was holding shame and he was holding fear away from us."

DAY 05

God's Pursuing Grace Reading: 

Luke 15:11-24

Even when Adam and Eve sinned, God took the initiative to pursue them.

This pursuit culminated in sending Jesus to redeem humanity. The parable of the Prodigal Son beautifully illustrates God's pursuing love and grace.

No matter how far we stray, He is always waiting with open arms, ready to restore us. Reflect on times when you've felt distant from God.

How has He pursued you in those moments?

Take time to thank Him for His relentless love and grace. Consider how you might respond to His invitation to draw near today.

"Just like God didn't abandon Adam and Eve when they sinned, God doesn't abandon you when you sin. In fact, he gives you again what you don't deserve and what I don't deserve, which is grace."

Closing Prayer: Thank God for His desire for intimacy with us. Ask for His help in trusting Him more fully and opening every area of our lives to His presence and guidance.

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