DAY 01
Answering God's Knock Reading: 🚪✨
Revelation 3:14-22
Jesus stands at the door of our hearts, knocking. How often do we keep Him waiting, afraid of what might happen if we let Him in?
Today's passage reminds us that Christ desires intimate fellowship with us. He's not here to condemn, but to dine with us. Reflect on areas of your life where you might be keeping Jesus outside.
What fears or reservations do you have about fully surrendering to Him?
Remember, He already knows everything about you and loves you unconditionally.
Take a moment to symbolically "open the door" in prayer, inviting Jesus into every aspect of your life.

"The very thing that we long for is for somebody to be able to know us with all our baggage, with all our regrets, with all our shame, with all our pain. For someone to know all of that."
DAY 02
Created for Relationship Reading:
Genesis 1:26-31
From the very beginning, God created us for relationship - both with Him and with others. Notice how God blessed humanity before they had done anything to earn it.
This is the nature of God's love - freely given, not earned. Today, consider how you view your relationship with God.
Do you feel you need to earn His love or favor?
Remind yourself that you are created in His image, designed for intimacy with your Creator. Thank God for His unconditional love and ask Him to help you rest in that truth today.

"God created you for relationship and to be in relationship with himself and with others. God chose to show favor towards us and we did nothing to deserve it."
DAY 03
The God Who Pursues Reading:
Luke 19:1-10
The story of Zacchaeus beautifully illustrates God's pursuing love.
Jesus sought out someone society rejected, desiring to dine with him. This encounter transformed Zacchaeus' life.
Reflect on how God has pursued you in your life.
Are there times you've felt unworthy of His attention?
Remember, Jesus came to seek and save the lost - not because we deserved it, but because of His great love.
Is there an area of your life where you need to accept God's invitation to fellowship?
Take time to thank Him for His relentless pursuit of you.

"If you will choose to spend this time dining with God, your life will be changed forever."
DAY 04
Intimacy Restored Reading:
Revelation 21:1-7
This passage paints a beautiful picture of the ultimate restoration of intimacy between God and His people.
The image of God wiping away every tear speaks to His tender, personal care for us.
While we look forward to this future reality, we can experience a foretaste of this intimacy now through Christ.
How might your relationship with God deepen if you truly believed He cared about every detail of your life?
Talk to God about your deepest hurts and longings, trusting in His intimate care for you.
"And he will wipe every tear from their eyes. This doesn't happen when you keep Jesus on the other side of the door. This comes from God who is personal."
DAY 05
No Longer Hiding Reading:
Psalm 139:1-18
Like a child playing hide-and-seek, we sometimes try to hide from God - perhaps out of shame, fear, or a misunderstanding of His character.
Yet this Psalm reminds us that God knows us completely and still loves us.
There's no need to hide. Reflect on areas of your life you might be trying to keep hidden from God.
Remember, He already knows and loves you fully. Take time to "come out of hiding" in prayer, being fully honest with God about your struggles, doubts, and fears.
Thank Him for His all-encompassing love that leaves no room for shame or fear.
Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for your persistent love and desire for relationship with us. Help us to overcome our fears and hesitations in opening the door of our hearts to you. Teach us to prioritize intimacy with you and to experience the transformative power of dining at your table. Amen.
Response song