Family Discipleship Workshop Kids Min wants to partner and equip you, the PARENT, to be the primary disciple maker. Register Today

CyLife Kids Volunteer Page

Communication Hub for CyLife Kids Volunteers.

Upcoming Events

Family Discipleship Workshop-March 23rd

Here at CyLife, we make and send disciples who love and live like Jesus. What does that mean for you as a parent? 

Pastor Chris Bullard, along with a panel of Kids Min volunteers and staff, will be doing 5 minute teachings about Discipleship 101 followed by Q&A's. Resources will be available spanning from personal devotionals, prayer books, to Bible recommendations. See More.

Good Friday- April 18th

During Good Friday, Kids Min is in full swing for both services. Requests to serve have been sent out, please accept/decline. Note: Services are solemn and quiet; we ask that you enter and exit the services in reverence. More Info.

Easter Sunday-April 20th

This year, Easter services will be held at the CFISD Visual and Performing Arts Center at normal service hours. Kids Min will be in full swing. Please accept/decline. Note: The service turn around is TIGHT. Please plan for traffic/parking for arrival. More info.

The Next-Family Discipleship Workshop-May

See information above. Date TBD

Fusion-June 4th

For any child going into 1st, 4th, or 6th grade in the Fall of 2026, it is time to celebrate. These kids are starting a new class! If you want to send-off your kids and welcome the new ones, talk to your coach about how to get involved.