Family Discipleship Workshop Kids Min wants to partner and equip you, the PARENT, to be the primary disciple maker. Register Today

Crystal Vera

Adult Ministry Admin

My family

Noe and I have been married 8 years. We are a blended family with an incredible daughter who nis 19. And currently is a sophomore at University Of Arkansas and two amazing adult sons who are both married to my wonderful daughters in love who currently live in Austin, Texas. Our oldest son and his wife just made us Grandparents to our first grandchild, a precious little boy.

My story

I have been a believer since I was a young girl. I came from a divorced family and grew up primarily in Spring, Texas. I attended a Lutheran school, but I eventually graduated from Willis High School. I came to understand my need to ask for salvation and be water baptized as an adult in 1993. I continued to grow in the Lord and started to serve in kids ministry. In 2014, my husband and I started attending CyLife Church (formerly known as The Met). We quickly got connected and joined an everyone’s group. It has always been my desire to draw people to Christ by sharing the love of Christ with them. In 2017, I started feeling The Lord pulling me away from my career and just two years later in 2019, The Lord called me to leave my career for full-time ministry. In December of that year, I gave my resignation and left my career of 19 years as a Field Operations Director in the Auto industry, to follow the calling from the Lord to serve with the Women’s Ministry. I started serving with women’s bible study and in every area I could to learn more about the operations of the church. I was leading a women’s small group, and serving with the Abide Women’s Bible Study, as well as the Celebrate Recovery Women’s Ministry Lead. I have now led two-step study Groups through CR and have discipled several ladies along the way. My husband Noe and I currently are in an everyone group together. I am now on staff full-time as the Adult Ministry Administrative Assistant. I have a heart to spread the gospel to others by first, leading them to faith in Christ. Then secondly, equipping the body of Christ by edifying and empowering them through the word of God to make and send disciples who go and do the same.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3: 5-6 And For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7


Mexican Food, Cookies, and Fusion Bowles


Hanging out with my husband and friends, Traveling, Word searches, watching my family do Karaoke


Working out on the Smith machine 


Watermelon lemonade candles