Family Discipleship Workshop Kids Min wants to partner and equip you, the PARENT, to be the primary disciple maker. Register Today

Bryce Reed

Student Pastor

My family

My beautiful wife Jessica and I have been married for almost 3 years now!

My story

I grew up a pastor's kid and came to know the Lord at a very young age. As I grew up and experienced church hurt I began resenting the church, running from God. I got really good at faking it and acting like I had it all together. As a Junior in High School, I was in a serious relationship with a girl for 2 years and was given a scholarship to go play college basketball in FL. In a span of two weeks I lost the relationship and my scholarship. Through multiple different people (especially my father) loving on me and walking with me through some really difficult things, I fell in love with Jesus, began taking ownership of my faith, and became wildly passionate and called into the mission to make and send disciples. As I was being discipled, it became clear that God was calling me into full-time vocational ministry. So I went to Lancaster Bible College in Pennsylvania and began working as the High School Pastor and later the Young Adults Pastor at a church in North Idaho called Real Life Ministries. I worked there for the past 4 years and have officially returned to Texas to be a part of what God is doing here at CyLife.


2 Corinthians 4:16-18


Steak, Wings, Sushi, Shipley's Donuts, Chips and salsa, Seafood, (you name it, I'll probably eat it)


Golf, Basketball, sports, cards, board games (really anything involving competition)


Leg day (just kidding) probably playing sports (if that counts)


Hot Donuts!