Family Discipleship Workshop Kids Min wants to partner and equip you, the PARENT, to be the primary disciple maker. Register Today

Brianna Orozco

Worship Arts Minister

My family

My husband, Isai, and I have been married since the Fall of 2015 and we have three precious kids: Willow, Woven and Zion. Our life is full and fun!

My story

I was born right here in Houston as the oldest child of four. My dad was a pastor all my life and he and my mom raised me and my three younger brothers to know, love and walk with Jesus. I accepted Christ as my savior very early in life but did not walk in obedience to Him until much later in my teen years. During those young years, I wrestled deeply with my identity and made many foolish, regretful choices to gain acceptance. I played sports and loved basketball, but when I was about 14 years old, a neighbor taught me some simple chords on a guitar, and I began to fall in love with music and discover a gift to sing and play instruments. Our family walked through a very painful season of betrayal and hurt from the church we were at for most of my childhood. The summer before my sophomore year of high school, my dad took another pastoring role at a church in Florida. I was so angry with God in these years of my life, and I really began to turn even further away from Him. I went on a mission trip to El Salvador where I heard God’s voice for the first time in my life while leading worship. He told me that He called me to be a worship leader and I never had so much confidence of something in my life, but I still hadn’t surrendered it all to Him yet. 

After making more devastating choices for myself and finding myself in places I never imagined I would, God captured my attention and brought me to the end of myself. I experienced an overwhelming love and grace from Him that I never saw before. I saw my brokenness and desperate need of a rescue and knew that Jesus was the only way! I began to walk in obedience to Him and experienced such sweet blessings. I never did it perfectly, but my heart began to desire Godly wisdom, humility, and holiness. I kept my eyes on Jesus and pursued learning everything I could about making disciples of Jesus and leading the church in worship to Him. I got married to my amazing husband at the super young age of 20 and together we fiercely pursued making Jesus famous! We poured into young adult ministry, and I stepped into an interim worship leader position while pregnant with our first baby. We welcomed our daughter Willow and after several incredible months at the church, God allowed me the privilege of making disciples of my children at home. 

In the summer of 2018 God brought our family back to my favorite place in the world, Texas! God had a journey for us here of learning total dependance and trust in Him alone. I was home having and raising babies for the last few years but am now so honored to join my husband in full time ministry on staff at CyLife. The love and grace of Jesus has totally transformed my life and it is why I will spend the rest of my life helping others experience Him too.


Romans 8:38


Sushi, Thai green curry, Latin food and iced coffee


Eating yummy food, playing games, delighting in my kids, and laughing at funny videos with hubby!


If I had time for it, I would love to play basketball!


Bonfires, citrus, warm cookies and freshly bathed babies!