Family Discipleship Workshop Kids Min wants to partner and equip you, the PARENT, to be the primary disciple maker. Register Today


You have the opportunity to partner with us and give to those in need this holiday season!

Our mission at CyLife Church is to Make and Send Disciples who Love and Live like Jesus. It’s at the heart of everything we do as a church family. Over the past several years it has been a part of our church’s mission to show our heart for Jesus by caring for people through an annual Christmastime partnership with the Angel Tree program through collaborations with local CFISD schools.


Angel Tree lives out the Great Commission to visit the imprisoned and bring them hope, the truth of Jesus, and comfort. That comfort is desperately needed, because a parent’s prison sentence affects much more than the prisoner. Did you know that….

  • 2.7 million American children have a parent in prison. Some of the kids are so young that they don’t understand why mom or dad is gone.
  • Children missing their parent often wonder if mom or dad still loves them. They might even wonder if they’ve been forgotten! These children suffer from the hole in the fabric of their family life.


That’s where Angel Tree comes in. You can join us to help heal the divide between parents and kids:

  • Parents need to actively sign their children up with the program. It helps them connect with their kids and show them that yes, they’re loved and remembered. Their relationship with their children is strengthened.


You have the opportunity to be an angel, too. Volunteers, just like you, are the hands and feet of the parents, contributing resources that mom or dad can’t.


If Angel Tree, and its families, are on your heart this holiday season, please make your donation here!